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Doctors with Paediatrician speciality in port elizabeth


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Dr Belcher Guy Geoffrey Paul

Dr Guy Geoffrey Paul Belcher is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Paediatrician in Korsten Eastern Cape South Africa

  Room 323 Life Mercantile Private Hospital, Cnr Kempston & Durban Road, Korsten, 6020
 +27 41 451 1133

Dr Beukes Abraham Johannes

Dr Beukes Abraham Johannes is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Paediatrician in Centrahil Port Elizabeth Gauteng South Africa

  Suite 109 First Floor St George`s Medical Centre, 40 Park Drive, Centrahil, 6001
 +27 41 374 3586

Dr De Villiers Gerrit Stephanus

Dr De Villiers Gerrit Stephanus is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Paediatrician in Glen Hurd Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape South Africa

  12 Peter Graham Avenue; Glen Hurd; 6045
 +27 41 365 2605

Dr Dilima Mzimkulu Gordon

Dr Dilima Mzimkulu Gordon is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Paediatrician in Korsten Gqeberha Eastern Cape South Africa

  Room 222 2nd Floor Life Mercantile Private Hosp; Cnr Kempston & Durban Road; Korsten; 6020
 +27 41 451 0055

Dr Gebers Paul Eric

Dr Gebers Paul Eric is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Paediatrician in Greenacres Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape South Africa

  Suite 204 Netcare Greenacres Hospital, Cnr Rochelle & Cape Road, Greenacres, 6045
 +27 41 363 3900

Dr Jones Wayne Metselaar

Dr Jones Wayne Metselaar is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Paediatrician in Greenacres Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape South Africa

  Suite 105 1st Floor Greenacres Hospital; Cnr Cape & Rochelle Road; Greenacres; 6045
 +27 41 363 3133

Dr Kriel Jeannette

Prof Badenhorst Hendrik Johannes is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Psychologist Educational in Summerstrand Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape South Africa

  26 Kuruman Kloof; Summerstrand; 6001
 +27 41 583 1656

Dr Mahmud Yakoob Samina

Dr Mahmud Yakoob Samina is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Paediatrician in Korsten Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape South Africa

  269 Highfield Road; Korsten; 6020
 +27 41 453 1190

Dr Patrick Mark Ellison

Mrs Connelly Ruth Ellen is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Psychologist Counselling in Morningside Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape South Africa

  12 Velco Avenue; Morningside; 6025
 +27 41 360 9788

Dr Purchase David Gerald

Dr Purchase David Gerald is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Paediatrician in Centrahil Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape South Africa

  Suite 109 First Floor St George`s Medical Centre; 40 Park Drive; Centrahil; 6001
 +27 41 374 3586

Dr Raga Jairaj

Dr Raga Jairaj is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Paediatrician in Korsten Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape South Africa

  Third Floor Room 319 Life Mercantile Private Hosp; Cnr Kempston & Durban Road; Korsten; 6020
 +27 41 451 4429

Dr Wickens Johannes Tromp

Dr Wickens Johannes Tromp is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Paediatrician in Greenacres Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape South Africa

  Suite 103 Netcare Greenacres Hospital; Cnr Rochelle & Cape Road; Greenacres; 6045
 +27 41 363 2456
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