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Doctors with Physiotherapist speciality in king williams town


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Mr Buyaphi Fezile

Mr Buyaphi Fezile is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Physiotherapist in King William`s Town King William`s Town Eastern Cape South Africa

  6a Wellington Street; King William`s Town; 5601
 +27 43 643 4254

Mr Newman Neil Charles Robert

Mr Newman Neil Charles Robert is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Physiotherapist in King William`s Town King William`s Town Eastern Cape South Africa

  28b Alexandra Road; King William`s Town; 5601
 +27 43 642 2709

Ms Voyi Zanele

Ms Voyi Zanele is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Physiotherapist in King William`s Town King William`s Town Eastern Cape South Africa

  44 Louisa Street; King William`s Town; 5601
 +27 43 642 1164
ECD Course 2

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