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Doctors with Surgeon speciality in port elizabeth


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Dr Honiball Eduard James

Dr Honiball Eduard James is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Surgeon in Korsten Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape South Africa

  Stanford Road, Korsten, Port Elizabeth, 6001
 +27 41 405 2354

Dr Manoharan Gujula Ramamurthy

Dr Manoharan Gujula Ramamurthy is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Surgeon in Korsten Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape South Africa

  Room 226 New Mercantile Hospital; Cnr Kempston & Durban Road; Korsten; 6020
 +27 41 453 0210

Dr Mbete Diliza Linjani Mafu

Dr Mbete Diliza Linjani Mafu is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Surgeon in Korsten Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape South Africa

  Suite 200b 2nd Floor Mercantile Centre; Durban Road; Korsten; 6020
 +27 41 404 0470

Dr Nongogo Lwazi Knowledge

Dr Nongogo Lwazi Knowledge is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Surgeon in Korsten Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape South Africa

  Rm 243 2nd flr Life Mercantile Pvt Hosp; Cnr Kempston & Durban Road; Korsten; 6020
 +27 41 404 0538

Dr Ocharo Bernard Mogambi

Dr Ocharo Bernard Mogambi is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Surgeon in Korsten Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape South Africa

  Suite 246 2nd Floor Life Mercantile Hospital; 6016 Cottrell Street; Korsten; 6020
 +27 41 404 0620

Dr Punyamurthy Nanda Gopala Krishna Rao

Dr Punyamurthy Nanda Gopala Krishna Rao is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Surgeon in Korsten Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape South Africa

  Room 214 Second Floor New Mercantile Hospital; Cnr Kempston & Durban Road; Korsten; 6020
 +27 41 453 9866

Dr Steenkamp Douw Gerbrand

Dr Steenkamp Douw Gerbrand is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Surgeon in Central Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape South Africa

  Suite 304 St Georges Medical Centre; 40a Park Drive; Central; 6001
 +27 41 374 1430

Dr Van Dyk Thomas Andries

Dr Van Dyk Thomas Andries is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Surgeon in Greenacres Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape South Africa

  Suite 203 2nd Floor Greenacres Hospital; Cnr Cape & Rochelle Road; Greenacres; 6045
 +27 41 363 2507

Dr Van Schoor Leendert Sybrandt

Dr Van Schoor Leendert Sybrandt is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Surgeon in Greenacres Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape South Africa

  Room 219 2nd Floor Greenacres Hospital; Cnr Rochelle & Cape Road; Greenacres; 6045
 +27 41 363 2926

Dr Vogel Richard John

Dr Vogel Richard John is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Surgeon in Korsten Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape South Africa

  Stanford Road; Korsten; 6020
 +27 41 405 2354

Dr Wasserman Lukas Johannes

Dr Wasserman Lukas Johannes is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Surgeon in Greenacres Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape South Africa

  Suite 315 3rd Floor Netcare Greenacres Hospital; Rochelle Road; Greenacres; 6045
 +27 41 363 2611

Dr Whitelock-Jones Linda

Dr Whitelock-Jones Linda is a healthcare practitioner specialising as a Surgeon in Centrahil Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape South Africa

  5 How Avenue; Centrahil; 6001
 +27 41 450 0196
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