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Cormed Private Clinic

Dienste - Algemene Chirurgiese Prosedures - Kraam eenheid (maternity ward) - Mediese toelatings - Gastroskopie Kliniek - Na-ure Konsultasies

  Pasteur Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 1911
 016 981 8080

Mediclinic Cape Town

This multidisciplinary hospital offers a broad spectrum of specialist medical services, modern facilities, high-tech equipment and outstanding nursing care.

  21 Hof Street, Oranjezicht, Cape Town, 8001
 +27 21 464 5500

Mediclinic Panorama

`Mediclinic Panorama is a 400 bed multi-disciplinary acute care hospital situated in Panorama, Cape Town.

 021 938 2111

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SA Doctors App

No.1 best medical app in South Africa. Equipping you with all the necessary medical features available at your fingertips to help you with situations when you need it most. Life can have unexpected moments when things go horribly wrong. This is why we provide the service to help you get the help you need.

323 Lynnwood Road, Menlo Park, Pretoria +27123642406

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